Glistening in the bright gym lights, a bead of sweat dripped slowly from her forehead. Much like its predecessors however, it was abruptly swiped away to the mat. Now that she was ready a thundering serve was slammed down, narrowly missing the top of the net, however my eyes weren’t glued on the ball. In fact, the stage of stage was set, the night where she would claim her greatness had come in the way of a final four matchup against the perennial powerhouse that was the Stanford Cardinal Women’s Volleyball team. One last matchup, one final step before making it to the big game and a shot at a National championship was looming and this young lady was hell bent on punching her squad’s ticket to the big game.
I ran across ESPN’s coverage of the Texas vs. Stanford in a knockdown, drag out brawl to get into the national title game. The other game that came on later, however I watched but 30 seconds and had to turn the channel. It was similarly a final four women’s volleyball matchup, but the teams playing were Penn ST. and Nebraska. Now I have nothing against big strong girls from the Midwest, I just don’t really want to see them in spandex playing volleyball on TV. While the Volleyball was top notch, the ladies appeared to be a bit too good, maybe an extra Y chromosome.
Now being a big sports fan, loving the sights the smells, hell just the raw spirit of competitiveness is quite enough to draw you into watching such an event. But this wasn’t the catalyst that drove me into such a venture. No it was the earlier article on Cal Vollyballer Morgan Beck on this very site that made me take a deep look at women’s college volleyball. What did I learn after watching this high intensity final four matchup?
Well Destinee Hooker (yes that is her real name, I’m not making this up) is hot! Oh and she’s an amazing volleyball player.
However this is not the extent of young Destinee’s talents. She also is a champion high jumper, winning the NCAA outdoor championship with a jump of (1.92/6-3.5). What that means? I’m not sure to be honest, all I know is she is also quite the hottie. That’s right fellas take a peek below…
Ok now that your towel is stiffening and smells of saltwater, let me drop some knowledge on you. Her sister Marshevet (I know not as cool) is also a NCAA sprint and long jump champion, USA track Olympian and not a bad looker I might add.

Now if you get the privilege of catching a Longhorns game, be sure to check out Destinee doing her thing on the mat. At a lengthy 6-4, the high jumping, hard hitting beauty has a glow about her that illuminates a sense of prestige in not only her own game, but the game of those around her.
Besides the obvious facts that she has a stripper first name and a well hooker-esque last name, this saucy young vixen is quite a looker. Another factor to consider is that is you were ever able to close the deal with Destinee and your boys were excellent swimmers; you can nearly guarantee your son or hell even your daughter would be a lottery selection. And think, this is just a perk that comes along with the breathtakingly awesome experience that is hooking up with Destinee Hooker.
In fact mid way through writing this, I think I may be on to something. An ingenious reality show starring none other than our subject hottie of the week and three professional athletes from three different sports.
You know the way ESPN comes out with shows like E:60, Outside the Lines and those before the draft documentaries? Well how about AROD, LT and Kobe, well wait a second, maybe not Kobe and not because he’s married. How about AROD, LT and Lebron star on a game show that MTV and ESPN co-produce. In this imaginary world where we can get these three individuals at the same place at the same time, they will all get a date with Destinee. Wait that’s a sick name for a show, “A date with Destinee” simulcast live on ESPN, ESPN 2,MTV, MTV2 and ESPN 360, this Sunday at 10pm.
The premise will be simple. Each contestant gets to woo Destinee with a seemingly never-ending barrage of sick whips, ridiculous cribs and extravagant nights out on the town. Now at the conclusion of the three dates they will all meet up on the beach like in MTV’s “Date My Mom”. Destinee will then pick one of the three superstar athletes and proceed to run down the beach with him for 3 minutes for no real reason, all while the losing contestants two way some floozies on their I-Phone 2’s (yes they already have them, it’s called marketing) letting them know they are free for a rendezvous at the four seasons.
Anyways, let’s say Lebron wins, then the two have one more ominous decision they need to make. Are they going to “Mate or Date”? (another nice name for the show)
Now their reasons for doing so will be explained at the end of the show where they will be forced to flip over a card stating their intent to enter a relationship (date) or just have sex for the purpose of breeding an eventual sports icon (mate).
The drama comes from the fact that they don’t know what will be on the others card. Kind of like in the late 90’s where the guy on the hit show “Change of Heart” flips over his card lovingly displaying his message of wanting to stay together, only to be blindsided by his girl 3 seconds later when she flips over the change of heart card and proceeds to make out with the motorcycle shop worker Dave, who is sporting a Mohawk and spiked leather jacket.
Anyways, back on topic this would be sports drama for sure. Not the kind with 5 seconds left down by 3 drama. But the kind you see on The Hills, thus making it a female friendly show (ratings will be higher, not that we care).
Regardless of the “Mate or Date” outcome it would be an interesting program. An intriguing game displaying the best in professional sports in a battle of egos, chivalry and just plain fun.
Anyways my intent was purely to bring further attention to our readers of the lovely Destinee Hooker (never gets old). If you and your buddies happen to be in the Lone star state anytime soon, go ahead and pitch the show to her for me. However I take no responsibility for you inevitably being smacked. Probably very hard too, I mean for god’s sake, she does spike balls like a champ.
And by the way Texas went on to lose in 5 sets if you care after winning the first two. Destinee had 23 kills in the defeat and was quite a pleasure to watch.
Rick Griffith is a blogger and contributor to www.Buhnerbuzzcutz.blogspot.com. You can find him online at www.RickAGriffith.blogspot.com
Besides the obvious facts that she has a stripper first name and a well hooker-esque last name, this saucy young vixen is quite a looker. Another factor to consider is that is you were ever able to close the deal with Destinee and your boys were excellent swimmers; you can nearly guarantee your son or hell even your daughter would be a lottery selection. And think, this is just a perk that comes along with the breathtakingly awesome experience that is hooking up with Destinee Hooker.
In fact mid way through writing this, I think I may be on to something. An ingenious reality show starring none other than our subject hottie of the week and three professional athletes from three different sports.
You know the way ESPN comes out with shows like E:60, Outside the Lines and those before the draft documentaries? Well how about AROD, LT and Kobe, well wait a second, maybe not Kobe and not because he’s married. How about AROD, LT and Lebron star on a game show that MTV and ESPN co-produce. In this imaginary world where we can get these three individuals at the same place at the same time, they will all get a date with Destinee. Wait that’s a sick name for a show, “A date with Destinee” simulcast live on ESPN, ESPN 2,MTV, MTV2 and ESPN 360, this Sunday at 10pm.
The premise will be simple. Each contestant gets to woo Destinee with a seemingly never-ending barrage of sick whips, ridiculous cribs and extravagant nights out on the town. Now at the conclusion of the three dates they will all meet up on the beach like in MTV’s “Date My Mom”. Destinee will then pick one of the three superstar athletes and proceed to run down the beach with him for 3 minutes for no real reason, all while the losing contestants two way some floozies on their I-Phone 2’s (yes they already have them, it’s called marketing) letting them know they are free for a rendezvous at the four seasons.
Anyways, let’s say Lebron wins, then the two have one more ominous decision they need to make. Are they going to “Mate or Date”? (another nice name for the show)
Now their reasons for doing so will be explained at the end of the show where they will be forced to flip over a card stating their intent to enter a relationship (date) or just have sex for the purpose of breeding an eventual sports icon (mate).
The drama comes from the fact that they don’t know what will be on the others card. Kind of like in the late 90’s where the guy on the hit show “Change of Heart” flips over his card lovingly displaying his message of wanting to stay together, only to be blindsided by his girl 3 seconds later when she flips over the change of heart card and proceeds to make out with the motorcycle shop worker Dave, who is sporting a Mohawk and spiked leather jacket.
Anyways, back on topic this would be sports drama for sure. Not the kind with 5 seconds left down by 3 drama. But the kind you see on The Hills, thus making it a female friendly show (ratings will be higher, not that we care).
Regardless of the “Mate or Date” outcome it would be an interesting program. An intriguing game displaying the best in professional sports in a battle of egos, chivalry and just plain fun.
Anyways my intent was purely to bring further attention to our readers of the lovely Destinee Hooker (never gets old). If you and your buddies happen to be in the Lone star state anytime soon, go ahead and pitch the show to her for me. However I take no responsibility for you inevitably being smacked. Probably very hard too, I mean for god’s sake, she does spike balls like a champ.
And by the way Texas went on to lose in 5 sets if you care after winning the first two. Destinee had 23 kills in the defeat and was quite a pleasure to watch.
Rick Griffith is a blogger and contributor to www.Buhnerbuzzcutz.blogspot.com. You can find him online at www.RickAGriffith.blogspot.com
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