Saturday, December 27, 2008
I'm Going To Hell
Old Man Falling UP an escalator
Old Lady Falling DOWN an escalator
D.J. Tanner

Apparently Donna Jo Tanner is no longer a little chubber. In my opinion she's turned out way hotter than all the old Full House girls. Overall the cast is pretty decent. The Olsen twins are sexy even though they dress like they are homeless and have trouble eating and Stephanie has a pretty amazing rack. Check out the new and improved D.J. for yourself...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Destinee Hooker

Glistening in the bright gym lights, a bead of sweat dripped slowly from her forehead. Much like its predecessors however, it was abruptly swiped away to the mat. Now that she was ready a thundering serve was slammed down, narrowly missing the top of the net, however my eyes weren’t glued on the ball. In fact, the stage of stage was set, the night where she would claim her greatness had come in the way of a final four matchup against the perennial powerhouse that was the Stanford Cardinal Women’s Volleyball team. One last matchup, one final step before making it to the big game and a shot at a National championship was looming and this young lady was hell bent on punching her squad’s ticket to the big game.
I ran across ESPN’s coverage of the Texas vs. Stanford in a knockdown, drag out brawl to get into the national title game. The other game that came on later, however I watched but 30 seconds and had to turn the channel. It was similarly a final four women’s volleyball matchup, but the teams playing were Penn ST. and Nebraska. Now I have nothing against big strong girls from the Midwest, I just don’t really want to see them in spandex playing volleyball on TV. While the Volleyball was top notch, the ladies appeared to be a bit too good, maybe an extra Y chromosome.
Now being a big sports fan, loving the sights the smells, hell just the raw spirit of competitiveness is quite enough to draw you into watching such an event. But this wasn’t the catalyst that drove me into such a venture. No it was the earlier article on Cal Vollyballer Morgan Beck on this very site that made me take a deep look at women’s college volleyball. What did I learn after watching this high intensity final four matchup?
Well Destinee Hooker (yes that is her real name, I’m not making this up) is hot! Oh and she’s an amazing volleyball player.
However this is not the extent of young Destinee’s talents. She also is a champion high jumper, winning the NCAA outdoor championship with a jump of (1.92/6-3.5). What that means? I’m not sure to be honest, all I know is she is also quite the hottie. That’s right fellas take a peek below…
Ok now that your towel is stiffening and smells of saltwater, let me drop some knowledge on you. Her sister Marshevet (I know not as cool) is also a NCAA sprint and long jump champion, USA track Olympian and not a bad looker I might add.

Besides the obvious facts that she has a stripper first name and a well hooker-esque last name, this saucy young vixen is quite a looker. Another factor to consider is that is you were ever able to close the deal with Destinee and your boys were excellent swimmers; you can nearly guarantee your son or hell even your daughter would be a lottery selection. And think, this is just a perk that comes along with the breathtakingly awesome experience that is hooking up with Destinee Hooker.
In fact mid way through writing this, I think I may be on to something. An ingenious reality show starring none other than our subject hottie of the week and three professional athletes from three different sports.
You know the way ESPN comes out with shows like E:60, Outside the Lines and those before the draft documentaries? Well how about AROD, LT and Kobe, well wait a second, maybe not Kobe and not because he’s married. How about AROD, LT and Lebron star on a game show that MTV and ESPN co-produce. In this imaginary world where we can get these three individuals at the same place at the same time, they will all get a date with Destinee. Wait that’s a sick name for a show, “A date with Destinee” simulcast live on ESPN, ESPN 2,MTV, MTV2 and ESPN 360, this Sunday at 10pm.
The premise will be simple. Each contestant gets to woo Destinee with a seemingly never-ending barrage of sick whips, ridiculous cribs and extravagant nights out on the town. Now at the conclusion of the three dates they will all meet up on the beach like in MTV’s “Date My Mom”. Destinee will then pick one of the three superstar athletes and proceed to run down the beach with him for 3 minutes for no real reason, all while the losing contestants two way some floozies on their I-Phone 2’s (yes they already have them, it’s called marketing) letting them know they are free for a rendezvous at the four seasons.
Anyways, let’s say Lebron wins, then the two have one more ominous decision they need to make. Are they going to “Mate or Date”? (another nice name for the show)
Now their reasons for doing so will be explained at the end of the show where they will be forced to flip over a card stating their intent to enter a relationship (date) or just have sex for the purpose of breeding an eventual sports icon (mate).
The drama comes from the fact that they don’t know what will be on the others card. Kind of like in the late 90’s where the guy on the hit show “Change of Heart” flips over his card lovingly displaying his message of wanting to stay together, only to be blindsided by his girl 3 seconds later when she flips over the change of heart card and proceeds to make out with the motorcycle shop worker Dave, who is sporting a Mohawk and spiked leather jacket.
Anyways, back on topic this would be sports drama for sure. Not the kind with 5 seconds left down by 3 drama. But the kind you see on The Hills, thus making it a female friendly show (ratings will be higher, not that we care).
Regardless of the “Mate or Date” outcome it would be an interesting program. An intriguing game displaying the best in professional sports in a battle of egos, chivalry and just plain fun.
Anyways my intent was purely to bring further attention to our readers of the lovely Destinee Hooker (never gets old). If you and your buddies happen to be in the Lone star state anytime soon, go ahead and pitch the show to her for me. However I take no responsibility for you inevitably being smacked. Probably very hard too, I mean for god’s sake, she does spike balls like a champ.
And by the way Texas went on to lose in 5 sets if you care after winning the first two. Destinee had 23 kills in the defeat and was quite a pleasure to watch.
Rick Griffith is a blogger and contributor to You can find him online at
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Good Video
Now this is probably my favorite song in the world...
Best Cartoon Theme Song...
This one is good too...
And thats all she wrote for now...until next time good day.
College Players Who Did Not End Up Being That Good in the NBA/NFL But Were Sick In College

Childress was a 6'2" Point Guard. He averaged over his 4 year career at WF 18.4ppg. He capped off his career in the 1995 ACC tournament averaging 35.7ppg and 7 assists. He also crossed up UNC's Jeff was sick...
In the championship of the ACC tourney he went off against a UNC team that featured Rasheed Wallace and Jerry Stackhouse. He finished the game with 37 points and 7 assists capped off with the game winning jumper with 4 seconds left.
In 1995 He was drafted in the first round 19th overall by the Portland Trailblazers. He was not very good in his only two seasons in the NBA averaging just 2.4ppg. After his lackluster showing in the NBA he moved overseas and currently still plays overseas in Italy.
He was a smooth, slick guard who probably did not have the size for a two guard or the ball skills of a point to really stick in the NBA. He was also not very quick so he could not carve out a role as a combo guard like we are currently seeing a trend of with Monta Ellis, Lou Williams, Ben Gordon, et al. Maybe in today's game he might have had a shot as teams are seeing this role succeed more. Sucks for him though.
Though he did not light the world on fire in the NBA, he was still sick at Wake. So atleast he has that.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Lists Continue With The Best NBA SG's
1. Kobe Bryant- Did you really expect to see someone else? Seriously, is there anything Kobe Bryant can't do. Outside of LeBron James he is the most exciting player in the league to watch. He's turned the Lakers into one of the top two teams in the NBA.

2. Dwyane Wade- One of the more explosive players around. Injuries have always seemed to be a problem, but that comes with sacrificing everything every game to make sure your team comes out on top. Has already accomplished so much at such a young age (Finals MVP & NBA Championship).
3. Brandon Roy- Everything B-Roy does is just so smooth. He just makes everything look so easy and really let's the the game come to him. A substance over flash kind of player. An emerging talent Brandon isn't even a shade of the player he's going to one day become.
4. Allen Iverson- Coming in at number four on this list is by no way a knock on Iversons skills. He's always one of the top scorers in the league and has been consistent with those numbers for awhile now. I miss the Georgetown Iverson. I bet a lot of people have forgotten just how explosive he used to be. Though he's lost a step or two it still seems like nobody can guard him.
5. Manu Ginobili- The glue guy for a team with multiple championships. Manu is one of the more versatile players as he can shoot, pass, and defend. His flops get really annoying and he just looks stupid to me, but he's effective.
Top SG's For The Future
1. O.J. Mayo- I remember the first time I heard about O.J. Mayo. Way back he had a site which had all kinds of information, pictures, and even videos of O.J. One of the videos on the site was him in a packed varsity game taking the ball the length of the court and dunking it. It was a real impressive dunk, but the part that really shocked me was it was a video of him in seventh grade. He's been ready for the league for a long time now. College ball was a joke for O.J. and probably even his last two years of high school. He already has that Kobe swagger to him that only the great ones have. He's the future.

2. Russell Westbrook- Just a freak of an athlete. He has a very quick first step and has no problem finishing plays well above the rim. He is a real high energy guy and is already a huge contributer despite being a rookie. Some might question how Russell could be ranked ahead of guys like Monta Ellis and Rodney Stuckey, but I really feel like he has a ridiculous amount of potential. A lot more so than either of the other two. He's a real late bloomer as he didn't dunk until his senior year of high school and didn't really get minutes in college until his sophomore year. By this time next year there will be no question that Russell is deserving of this spot.
3. Monta Ellis- One of the quickest players in the league. Really was starting to come on strong and this was going to be his season until he got on a moped. His And1 ads are pretty dope. Check out some HS footage of Monta he could and still can really fill it up.
A Few Links...

When In Rome- The Diary Of Brandon Jennings
Plane Hits Cow On Emergency Landing
When Athletes Show Their True Gangster
Web Cam Captures Worker in a Gummy Sex Act
Happy Belated Birthday, Little Adolf Hitler!
The 9 Hottest Russian Women
Show Off Crashes His New Mustang
Man Guesses EXACT Price in Showcase Showdown
Soccer Player Kills Pigeon
British Version Of Erin Andrews
Thursday, December 18, 2008
All Look Same

'China, Japan, Korea: What's the difference? Do they all look the same, or are they very distinct? Is there any truth to the stereotype, or is it ignorance? Well, enter the exam room here and find out for yourself. We have eight tests in different categories such as face, art, architecture, and food. Remember: We are not here to make a statement; it's a question. Good luck and enjoy.'
Josh Smith Can Fly...
I guess it really doesn't matter though because the Celtics still pulled through.
NBADraft.Net Update

NbaDraft.Net has updated the 2009 Big Board- Top 100 Prospects. All that ESPN Chad Ford DraftExpress stuff is garbage. This is the site to go to.
Another Junior...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Top 5 NBA PG's
1. Chris Paul- No real surprise here. Chris is one of the youngest guys on either list and has already accomplished so much. He led New Orleans deep into the playoffs, almost took home the MVP, and outplayed every point guard in the world during the Olympics.

2. Deron Williams- Deron is right up there with Chris in terms of accomplishments. To me they are both playing real well and putting up similiar numbers but Chris gets the edge because of the wins and overall potential. After Deron and CP there's a significant drop off.
3. Tony Parker- At first I tried to aruge Tony's place on this list but then really started to think about all he does. It's easy to say he's only good because of Duncan, Manu, & Bowen but the truth is he's the one that makes them look good. You can't argue wins either. Three Championships and the guy's only 26. He also has the best looking wifey around.
4. Chauncey Billups- The mans been to the playoffs every year since the 99-00 season. He's proven that he can win and that he's clutch. He wants the ball in his hands and rarely makes mistakes (Ranks #2 in the NBA in Assists Per Turnover(4.05). You know what your going to get every night with Chauncey.
5. Steve Nash- Nash can still hang with any of the guys on this list despite being the oldest (34 yrs). Besides winning a championship he really doesn't have anything else to prove. Two time NBA MVP, six time All-NBA selection, and six time all-star.
Top PG's For The Future
1. Derrick Rose (20 yrs)- It's easy to tell that he's going to be something special. He's just on another level athletically. Once he gets used to the NBA game and all it's ins and outs watch out for him, he's going to be scary.

2. Rajon Rondo (22yrs)- I really think you could make an argument for Rondo to be at the top of this list but it is after all mostly based on potential so you really have to give it to Derrick. In no way is that a knock on Rondo though. He's really come into his own and is starting to terrorize opposing pg's with his lockdown D and ability to get to the hole. I hear all the haters saying that he has the big 3 so of course he's going to be good but I really think he would be ballin like this anywhere.

3. Devin Harris (25yrs)- Devin has been in the league for a couple years now so it can be debated whether or not he really deserves to be here. If it weren't for his play with the Nets I really wouldn't have considered him. It seems like he really has the freedom to play his game in New Jersey. You can't pump a guy up for the play of a few games but it seems like every time I watch Devin play he's better than the last time.
Russia's Kseniya Sukhinova wins Miss World 2008

JOHANNESBURG (RIA Novosti) - Russia's Kseniya Sukhinova has won the Miss World 2008 title at the international beauties competition in South Africa after beating 108 contestants.
The top five finalists also included Miss India, Parvathy Omanakuttan, Miss Trinidad and Tobago, Gabrielle Walcott, Miss Angola, Brigith dos Santos, and Miss South Africa, Tansey Coetzee.
Tutors at the university in northwest Siberia where the new Miss World studies praised her academic record on Monday, happily complaining that the news of her victory almost disrupted classes.
Sukhinova is a fifth-year student studying cybernetic systems in the Oil and Gas University in Tyumen, a center of the region's oil and gas industry located over 2,000 kilometers from Moscow. She is one of only five women in the 27-student group.
"It is a very difficult discipline, but Sukhinova's grades are all A's and B's," university deputy president Veronika Yefremova said.
Yefremova said Sukhinova has had her course schedule tailored to her needs since winning the Miss Russia crown last year.
"Ksenia is an aspiring girl. She demonstrated excellent knowledge at [the latest] exams," the head of the university's cybernetic systems department, Oleg Kuzyakov, said. "We are very glad she won. Her group and the whole university will congratulate Ksenia, when she is in Tyumen."
The professor said reporters have virtually besieged the university, which is adorned with Ksenia's photographs and posters with congratulations, complicating classes on Monday.
"This is a pleasant diversion from work, with journalists asking questions of professors and Ksenia's fellow students. Such things do not happen every day," Kuzyakov said.
Sukhinova will return to Russia late this week, the organizers of the Miss Russia contest said on Monday. She first has to be the guest of honor at a series of events in South Africa.
The only previous Russian winner of the international beauty festival was Yulia Kurochkina in 1992.

Sports & Girls...

I was planning on featuring another athletic female next week but I have so many that I'm dying to use I figured why wait. So, without further ado, here's our new beez Erica Hosseini. The 21-year-old surfer/model is definitely one of the most gorgeous surfers out there competing. She's currently ranked 15th in the World Qualifying Series. Like the first girl we featured, Erica is also from Newport Beach, California. If this is what the girls look like down there I'm really not in the right place.
"As a player on the surfing scene, Hosseini has become part of the $7.5-billion surfing apparel industry — dominated by brands such as Quiksilver, Roxy, Hurley and O’Neill — which sells the lifestyle and vibe surrounding surfing just as aggressively as the sport itself. The appeal is based in no small part on women like Hosseini, who represent the fun, breezy and stylish aspects of the wave-riding lifestyle. . . “I love modeling,” Hosseini says. “My sponsors have been able to advertise me in not just a surf-action kind of way but also in a more all-around way,” she says, “and I’ve benefited from that. I’m super grateful.” LA TIMES

Say Goodbye To Arena Football

AFL suspends 2009 Season
Wow! It's getting rough. The Arena Football league has decided to cancel the 2009 season in hopes of revamping the league with a different business model. League officials have said that they plan to resume all operations in 2010. Seems like a weird move for a league that doesn't have many fans to begin with. Taking away a season or two definitely doesn't seem like the way to make the league more popular.
Nate Robinson's Cousin Ruled Ineligible

The nations best sophomore basketball player, Tony Wroten Jr., has been ruled ineligible to play ball for the current season. During a Seattle Public Schools investigation it was found that Tony failed to meet the residency requirements that would have allowed him to stay at Garfield High (Brandon Roy's Alma Mater). The Wrotens claim they rented a house near the school. The district, determined after an investigation including surveillance that they weren't living there. The Wrotens are taking legal action by filing a lawsuit to get their son re-enrolled at the Central District School.
A Few Links...

--NFL Player Is Now Styles G.
--16 Gangsta Car Pose Photos That Should Have Never Been Taken
--Lingerie Football League 2009 Calendar
--Hugh Hefner's Newest Female (Not Work Safe)
--Jessica Biel As A Stripper
--This Dude Gets Taken Out
--New Trailer For Batman Salvation
--The Hottest Girl In The World
--QB's Get All The Ladies
My New Favorite Commercial
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
College Assistant Coach Salaries...
A poll in 2007 of Division 1A ADs showed the average salary for a DC was $200,000 and for a OC $193,000.
Here are Colorado's Coaches and their salaries, Mark Helfrich, offensive coordinator, $217,776. Ron Collins, defensive coordinator, $217,776. Jeff Grimes, asst head coach/offensive line, $206,887. Kent Riddle, tight ends/special teams, $195,998. Eric Kiesau, wide receivers/passing game, $194,910. Greg Brown, secondary, $143,963. Brian Cabral, asst head coach/linebackers, $136,110. Romeo Bandison, defensive line, $136,110. Darian Hagan, running backs, $92,555
Here are Clemson's, before the coaching change, 2008 salaries...Vic Koenning (DC) $260,000 (up from $240,000), Rob Spence (OC) $250,000 (up from $200,000), Brad Scott (Assoc HC, OL) $200,000 (up from $158,000), Dabo Swinney (Asst HC, WR) $200,000 (up from $195,000)Ron West (OLB) $150,000 (up from $142,000), David Blackwell (ILB) $142,000 (no change), Andre Powell (RB, ST) $ 125,000 (up from $120,000), Chris Rumph (DL) $120,000 (up from $95,000), Billy Napier (TE, RC) $110,000 (up from $75,000)
Thats all I got for now...I'll add more as a I search and stumble upon. I'll end with this...
Sophia Bush

Sports & Girls...
What do ya think?

Monday, December 15, 2008
Papa's Home!!!
Seattle Sports...Yea I Know

OK I know Seattle Sports suck at this point in time...BUT its going to get better because it has to. Like in The Dark Knight where I think its Harvey Dent who says, "The night is darkest before the dawn."
For Seattle Sports collective sanities it just has to turn around.
We did get that amazing Seattle Storm Title in 2004 so thats awesome....ahhhh nevermind no one cares about the WNBA which I would not be surprised to see pull an Arena league and cancel the season nor would I care.
Alright we all know what happened with the team formally known as the Supersonics, so I'll just say the whole thing was fucked up and move on.
The Seahawks are having a shit year with a lot of talent on the roster that was hit with injuries. They just need to get healthy, trim the fat (CUT BRIAN RUSSELL, et al.), and have a good offseason (Draft and free agents). I think Hass still has a couple good years left. There are plenty examples of QBs who age well and QBS who do not. He is only one year removed from a Pro Bowl year. This is a team who does not need drastic changes and is still close to contention. As the season ends it is important to keep an eye on the younger talent and see how it holds up like Sean Locklear playing LT in place of future Hall of Famer Walter Jones.

I made a post on the Huskies already and I think they are headed in the right direction which is the opposite direction of whereever Ty Willingham is headed. They are bound to improve because they hit rock bottom and there is talent at every spot on the field except punter. Coach them up and change the attitude. Also, watch out, I am guessing he is going to be angry...

Next up is the Seattle Mariners. We have Felix Hernandez and nobody else does. Plain and simple, dude is 22 years old. He has consistently improved each year. He will hopefully learn that his fastball will be better the less he throws it. The team is probably not a contender actually definitely not but you never no they could get lucky, but they look like they are on their way. Flipping Putz now was probably the smart move since he could flop and if he was lights out in the first half his value would not have gone up that much. The centerpiece/CF is an amazing fielder at this point and his offense will probably improve based on his past MLB time and his line in the minors. I like the Mike Carp pickup at 1B, he looks like a hitter and shows this team is finally looking to pickup someone with strikezone judgement. He had a .400 OBP in AA last year. There were some other promising youngsters too mainly, Cleto from the Mets. He is still young and has a explosive fastball 91-97mph and developing off speed pitches.
The team needed a new direction and should have one from Zduriencik knows what he is doing and needs to keep it going. Morrow is a starter and needs to stay there. Beltre is awesome that is simple. Ibanez was a solid hitter but still sucked because he killed us on defense, thanks for the draft picks Philly. Yuni sucks that is also simple. Ichiro is Ichiro and thats a good thing. We need to value defense. Felix, Bedard (healthy), Morrow, Silva (Sucks, improve just cuz?), Washburn or Ry R-Smith is a pretty good rotation especially if we trade Washburn but Morrow must stay a starter. The farm system is building there are players there but we need to get the right players. Plate discipline is starting to become a priority for the farm system I think? There are players there starting with the starters from Wisconsin last year (Aumont, Ramirez, Pineda, Adcock), Halman (No plate discipline at all), Adam Moore is a good backstop and hitter, Tui is putting it together, and Shawn Kelley could be a solid reliever. There is promise and the right people are in place.

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Let's Get This Started...
Quick look at Shawn Kemp Jr.
High School Class of 2009 (Senior)
Cherokee High (Atlanta, GA)
Center/6'9''/215 pounds
Size 19 shoe
7'1'' Wingspan
Husky Football Changes

1st Post - Welcome
This will hopefully be funny and informational.
I don't have much else right now but....
